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Routine Services We Provide

Industry-Leading Healthcare

Woman Wearing Eye Glasses

Comprehensive Eye Exams

We provide our patients with thorough comprehensive eye examinations to monitor their glasses prescription and ocular health.  It is very important to have your eyes checked yearly as many eye conditions can exhibit no obvious signs or symptoms and, therefore, can go undetected.  In addition, a dilated eye examination can give a unique view of your overall systemic health.

Contact Lens Prescription

In order to receive a contact lens prescription, you must be properly fit for contact lenses.  Because contact lenses sit on the front surface of the eye and are considered a medical device, it is important that they fit correctly.  There are also different types of contact lenses to correct different problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia.  In addition, certain contact lenses are disposed of daily, while others last up to one month.  We will select contact lenses that best suit your needs and lifestyle, while giving you the optimum vision needed to perform your best.

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Pediatric Eye Exams

A child's visual system develops in the months and years following their birth.  Certain issues can arise that affect a child's visual development, which can result in other developmental delays.  While it is important for parent's to be aware of this, they can't always detect when their child is having an issue.  This is why it is important for children to have regular eye exams.  The American Optometric Association recommends that children have an eye exam at 6 months, 3 years, and before starting Kindergarten.  After beginning school, children should have an eye exam every 1-2 years, depending on the recommendations of the eye doctor.  At Performance Vision, we do not simply check a child for glasses.  We evaluate how the child's eyes are aligned, how they move and work together, as well as their brain processes visual information.  All of these skills are crucial for being successful in reading and school.

Get in touch today and discover our warm and caring environment. Schedule a visit and let us know how we can help.

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